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I do hope that Art can be considered as a therapeutic intervention given t​he impact that creative expression & output can have on self management, supporting wellbeing​.​Creativity can be used to explore and represent one’s individual journey -The way chronic illnesses are constantly changing shape, defining and re-defining itself. 


Present day represents the Digital age where Digital technology in healthcare is continually changing the world at an ever-increasing pace. The opportunity that it provides as a digital story-telling personal narrative for people who experience long term health conditions​ can help communication between the 'patient' and the 'professional' helping the professional see beyond the list of symptoms and presentations to how the condition actually impacts on the persons life.

Especially with the use of digital medium for people with functional limitations how exploring the creative side to cope with daily challenges can be a constructive as well as an enjoyable pursuit given the plethora of life altering changes brought on by these conditions.




                                                                     See yourself through Art.  Be Inspired.  Be visible.  Be Heard.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Shanali













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